All-in-One Website Redesign: ARA and Wunder’s Successful Partnership

ARA, the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland, recognized the need to redesign its public website, including updating its content, switching to a more suitable content management system (CMS), and creating a modern new web design based on the refreshed brand identity. To address these needs, ARA partnered with Wunder to develop a comprehensive and sustainable solution.

Aran verkkopalveluiden etusivu

In a nutshell

ARA’s goal was to redesign its website to enhance accessibilityOpens in a new tab, improve user experience, and modernize its design. The project commenced in May 2023, focusing not only on content updates but also on enhancing the user experience for site visitors and the interface for content creators. The implementation phase began in September 2023, with the new website launching in May 2024. The overhaul included a new Drupal-based CMS, a modern user interface, and various customized features. Wunder also takes care of the website’s hostingOpens in a new tab and ongoing developmentOpens in a new tab

ARA logo

About ARA

The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA)Opens in a new tab is a state agency governed by the Ministry of the Environment. ARA provides state subsidies and grants, oversees and monitors the use of ARA rental apartments and ARA subsidies, supervises the energy certificate process, and produces information on housing markets and energy certificates. Currently, there are approximately 240,000 ARA rental apartments in Finland, which are subject to usage and transfer restrictions overseen by ARA.


In addition to a comprehensive technical overhaul of the website, ARA set objectives to refresh and redesign the content. The goal was to make relevant information more accessible to various user groups and improve the overall accessibility of the site.

To ensure that the end result was a cohesive and comprehensive solution addressing all necessary changes, it was crucial to thoroughly map out both the objectives and the existing website content. Additionally, as ARA's brand identity had been updated, incorporating this new look into the website was an essential part of the redesign project.

"A prime opportunity for modernizing and completely overhauling the service arose when we needed to phase out the previous web service platform. The accumulated need for updates over time could be addressed efficiently on the new platform through flexible and collaborative work with Wunder."

– Susanna Mäenpää, Communications Specialist, ARA


The joint project for the website redesign began in May 2023. The planning phase included four workshops, one of which was conducted in person. At the start of the project, the primary goals for the website were defined, and an inventory of the existing website's content was completed. During the workshops, the new website's content structure was designed, and needs for site search and content filtering were assessed. Close collaboration during the planning phase and the client's readiness to develop content based on the workshops created an exceptionally solid foundation for the project's success.

In June 2023, ARA's and Wunder's project team members gathered for an in-person team day. This face-to-face collaboration further strengthened team cohesion, facilitated better acquaintance, and created favorable conditions for task planning in the coming months. Wunder introduced principles of psychological safety in project work and highlighted key aspects of agile development methods from the client's perspective.

“Collaboration with Wunder is flexible and efficient. We work with a knowledgeable, effective, and pleasant team of professionals.” 

–Susanna Mäenpää, Communications Specialist, ARA.

Towards the end of the planning phase, the UX/UI designOpens in a new tab was carried out, adapting ARA's updated visual identity into the website's appearance. The specifications were finalized with tailored functionality planning and navigation design.

In September 2023, the implementation phase began, with Wunder’s technical experts developing the designed user interface, customized features, and content creator views according to a tight schedule. Since Drupal CMS (Content Management System) was new to many of ARA's content production and management staff, a brief introduction to its usage, capabilities, and features was provided early in the project.

The website delivery project was completed in winter, at which point Wunder handed over the new Drupal-based content management system to ARA. The implemented user interface was consistent with the modern web design, and, for example, site search was developed using a React component and ElasticSearch.

The new site was built on the open-source Drupal platform and hosted on Wunder’s own Silta GCP hosting environment, located in Finnish data centers and utilizing Google Cloud’s cloud capacity. Visitor cookie consents are managed using Cookiehub, and analytics are collected using the Snoobi tool, as requested by ARA.

Kuva Jätkäsaaressa sijaitsevan Ara:n rakennuttaman punatiilisen kerrostalon sisäpihalta
ARA's residential apartment building in Jätkäsaari. Image rights: Ara/Helena Berg


The updated and modern website was launched in May 2024. Prior to this, ARA undertook a massive effort to overhaul the content structures, focusing on clarity and findability. The website offers services in FinnishOpens in a new tab and SwedishOpens in a new tab, with a more limited selection available in EnglishOpens in a new tab.

“Ara has received a lot of positive feedback on the new site. The pages are clear, and information is now easier to find.” – Susanna Mäenpää, Communications Specialist, ARA.

Wunder and ARA continue their close collaboration beyond this major project, focusing on the maintenance and ongoing development of the website. In the future, the partnership and the development of digital services will be centered around the following Wunder services: service design, UX/UI designOpens in a new tab, technical architecture designOpens in a new tab, accessibility consultingOpens in a new tab, analytics consultingOpens in a new tab, hosting servicesOpens in a new tab, project managementOpens in a new tab and continuous developmentOpens in a new tab.

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