Privacy Policy

The Internet is above all a commercial space these days, not only referring to online purchasing of products but primarily the huge marketing business on the web. All companies with a website provide such in order to benefit their business with the site. Our website is no different and we will explain to you in this hopefully friendlier-than-usual privacy policy how we treat personal information about you with respect and discretion while fulfilling our business goals.

We actually try to involve personal info about you as little as possible. We do this out of our own desire and according to the general data protection regulations (GDPR) by the EU. We wish to treat our website visitors as well as we treat our employees, a matter that we have been positively recognized for and that we are very proud of. This policy applies to personal info gathered from our website as well as to all other personal info of our customers and potential future customers and employees that we have collected for running our business.


We use Google Analytics to track what our website visitors do. That is a fact we don’t try to hide in any way. It is quite openly visible in the source code of our website, which you can view using the developer options of Google’s Chrome browser. We do this to understand what content our website visitors like and what they possibly don’t find interesting. We can then put more effort into creating content that is appreciated and is ideally also generating business for us. Likewise, we can put less focus on creating content that doesn’t seem to interest anybody and doesn’t seem to further our business. You can read all about Google’s privacy hereOpens in a new tab but that’s quite a long story. We can, therefore, more briefly assure you that we do not get any personal information about you, not even an IP address (which is anonymized), using Google’s tracking tools. We only see things like: how many people have visited this page (just a number), how many clicked that link and, according to Google’s data that we have no access to, how many of our website visitors are located in Finland. The same principle applies to other tracking tools and cookies that we may take into use. They give us valuable information about what our visitors have viewed and interacted with while at our website, but no info about who our website visitors are.

If you accept all cookies, you give permission to Wunder and to the services we use to collect and use your data to target advertising. We use Google Ads for search engine marketing and remarketing. Based on your behavior on our site, we are able to target ads and content that might interest you. We utilize Consent modeOpens in a new tab to adjust the tracking based on your cookie preferences. You can find details of the utilized cookies and manage given permissions via the cookie settings link at the bottom of any page.

Filling forms

We would like you to fill out our contact form, newsletter form and/or an application form for an open position. These actions will naturally send us the information about yourself that you enter into the form. By submitting a form you grant us the right to store the information that you give us and any additional information that you may give to us in follow-up communication. Still, we only store what is necessary for the relationship with you and will delete it all when we no longer have any need for it. EU’s GDPR regulation grants you the right to at any point in time and at no charge:

  • Ask to see what personal information we have about you – all of it.
  • Correct any information about you that may have changed.
  • Get the personal information transferred.
  • Restrict in some way the utilization of the personal information that we have about you.
  • ‘To be forgotten’, meaning that all info about you will be eradicated.

A convenient way to contact us regarding this is to send us a message to

What do we do with the personal information about you?

If you represent a company that is our client or a potential future client of our company, we will enter your information into our customer relationship management system in order to contact you more easily. We may also add personal information about some of your colleagues when such is shared with us if the business relationship between our companies benefits from it. When the relationship gets deeper, we may produce contracts and other documentation with your name and possibly other information on them, but still, the minimum amount of personal information is needed.

If you are an IT professional browsing and subscribing to our content, we will enter your information into our recruitment relationship management system in order to contact you more easily.

All personal data collected through this website will primarily be stored in cloud services provided by companies from the USA. The data may therefore reside outside of the EU/EEA, but all the services we utilize are according to Privacy Shield and GDPR.

Data privacy and security

As a company providing web services for larger corporations and public administration, we consider ourselves experts regarding data privacy and data security. Without privacy and security regarding personal information, there is no trust between us, which is a poor foundation for a relationship. We therefore keep ourselves informed of the evolution in data privacy and security and utilize the solutions that are at the same time most secure and most suitable for our needs. In case of a data breach, we will inform the subjects of the personal data compromised as soon as possible after detecting the breach. We will then cooperate with the persons in question to minimize any possible harm from the breach.

Updates to this privacy policy

This privacy policy will be updated from time to time. This may occur because of a change in legislation, or because we have taken a new service in use that processes personal information. We will not spam all the people that we have personal information about regarding the update, we rather hope that you will take a look at this page on our website and the date in its topic. If the date seems newer than when you last read it, you should read it again in order to see if you agree with the renewed privacy policy. As always, we would be delighted if you would let us know if there is something in this privacy policy that you don’t agree with. We may then be able to correct the situation enabling a continued relationship with you.

Thank you so much for taking the effort to read our privacy policy.