Taking part in Responsible Business Week in Latvia
This week is a Responsible Business week in Latvia. We have been proudly taking part in it since 2016, and this year is not an exception.
Every year the organizers of Responsible Business week point out a significant aspect of our working and daily lives – this time it is the Solitude raised by the impact of modern technologies. The aim of the events of the week is to show those multiple ways of how we can solve the challenge.
For the fifth time in a row, we applied for Sustainability Index assessment, provided by the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and ResponsibilityOpens in a new tab. In the first year (2016) we received the Bronze award, but starting from 2017 we have reached the Silver award and cross our fingers to keep up the great result.
Wednesday, 10th of June, is the Market day, not a regular one, but a Responsible Idea Market day! And we are honoured to share a story on our Coffee time initiative there. Our Coffee Time is just one nice Wunder phenomena and remedy against the solitude – in the same list are our amazing WunderHugs, Summer Days, Internship programme and Wunder Fitness initiatives which have been presented already in the earlier years.
At the end of the week, along with the Sustainability Index awards in Latvia, the Family-friendly workplace certificate in Latvia will also be issued. We have received the certification for the last two years and sincerely hope to continue this tradition.
So, an exciting week ahead and let’s hope at the end of the week we have two more certificates in our pockets (or more like on our walls to be precise) of some good results worth celebrating!
*Photo from Responsible Idea Market 2019 with the marvellous Family-friendly business award in our hands.