Renewed is here, acting as Omnia’s modern business card

Published: 15.1.2023
Categories: Technology
Reading time: 2 min
Person browsing with a mobile device.

With a tight and fruitful collaboration, Wunder and the education provider Omnia designed and renewed Omnia’s web services. Now the serves and takes its numerous user groups excellently into account both in Finnish and English in an accessible and mobile-friendly manner.

Omnia is an upper-secondary vocational education and training provider with over 35 000 students, owned by the municipalities of Espoo, Kauniainen, and Kirkkonummi. Wunder got involved in Omnia’s web service renewal project already in the concept design phase. Robust collaboration and partnership combined with the right technologies produced a result that optimally serves both the organization and the web service’s users – without compromising mobile usability, accessibility, nor customer-centricity.

Just in time for the Fall semester of 2022, Omnia got to launch the new www.omnia.fiOpens in a new tab, designed and technically built together with Wunder. The web service comprehensively serves its users both in Finnish and English. Moreover, searching and purchasing education are seamlessly included in the web service, as Omnia provides an extensive set of basic education, vocational programs, adult education courses, labor market training, and preparatory training for vocational education.

Sonia Pérez Alemán from Omnia’s communications and marketing unit describes the renewal:

“ is Omnia’s business card to the world. The web service critically affects how our clients view our organization. The collaboration with Wunder gave us the tools to keep accessibility, mobile-friendliness, and customer-centricity as the core themes in the web service renewal.”

Pérez Alemán continues:

“A professional service provider who can run the project through concept design all the way to technical execution was seen as a big advantage to us.”

“The open-source platform Drupal 9 gave us the freedom to create an entity that is visually and technically clear. The concept design phase challenged us to rethink the descriptions of our services and educational programmes. We were able to build a whole new way to bring our offering to the daylight.”

What has changed?

The renewed is explicitly built from the customer’s point of view. Hence, all of the education options, content, and services provided by Omnia can now be found under the same roof – from web service. The education options are presented in so-called education cards, from where the customer is directed to either sign up or apply for the program or course. Also, all of the video content, news, events, and blog texts are found from The services are presented visually and proudly in their own categories.

The English-language version of Omnia.fiOpens in a new tab was built as an entirely new entity that corresponds to the Finnish version in terms of coverage and customer-orientedness. The goal is to better serve the needs of Omnia’s international students.

Wunder’s designer Mikko Suominen describes the renewed web service:

“The main focus in UX/UI design were usability, clarity and accessibility. Together with Omnia’s graphic designer, we succeeded in implementing Omnia’s visual identity to the web service. Our common goal made the collaboration with Omnia’s team very fruitful and interesting.”

Wunder’s project manager Anu Kinnunen, also living in Espoo herself, about the collaboration:

“We are incredibly happy about the renewed web service.”

Get to know the web service at Omnia.fiOpens in a new tab, and tell us what you think about it!

We design and shape web services with a win-win-win -mentality. So reach out to us, and let's turn the digital presence into your competitive advantage!

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